Change of Plans

I recently celebrated my birthday. The original plan was to dine at a restaurant along our favorite boardwalk. I anxiously awaited the hours until our getting ready to have our family date night, which would be in celebration of my birth....long, long ago. (Hey, our presence is a gift. Let's toot our horn some, yeah?)

Long story short, the family night out was postponed since our youngest started showing signs of a nasty stomach bug. 'Ugh' to the bug. While it was easy to harp on about no dressing up, no dining along the boardwalk, and of course, no birthday dessert accompanied by a singing waitstaff, it took some internal (and external) dialogue to raise my vibration and shift my thinking to, "this birthday celebration is perfect."

Life happens for us. And this last birthday celebration is exactly what I needed as it was quiet, cozy, and very relaxed. I didn't have to hurry to meet a reservation. I didn't have to run to and from the car with an umbrella on that rainy day. And most important, our youngest could just rest at home and regain her health. 

Flexibility is not just about physical capability. We must be flexible in every aspect of our lives if we are to live peacefully, purposely, and with gratitude for whatever comes our way. 

Change of plans? No problem.

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