
Take a Faith Breath

This is not just a deep breath, but one that is filled with a mountain-moving mindset. I recommend doing so on a regular basis, especially those times when anxiety creeps...

Take a Faith Breath

This is not just a deep breath, but one that is filled with a mountain-moving mindset. I recommend doing so on a regular basis, especially those times when anxiety creeps...

You're already worthy.

Period.  Your worth is not tied to your current bank statement or to one that is hoped for in the future. Your worth is based on your unique talents, gifts,...

You're already worthy.

Period.  Your worth is not tied to your current bank statement or to one that is hoped for in the future. Your worth is based on your unique talents, gifts,...

Mirror, Mirror

When is the last time you stood before a mirror, looked into your eyes, and said: I AM ______________ Smart Talented Beautiful Strong Prosperous Highly Favored ....and believed it? Do...

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Mirror, Mirror

When is the last time you stood before a mirror, looked into your eyes, and said: I AM ______________ Smart Talented Beautiful Strong Prosperous Highly Favored ....and believed it? Do...

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Being Human is Hard

Being human is no easy feat. Because we have a mind, we have to make choices. Some choices are not always easy to make. This is especially true when we...

Being Human is Hard

Being human is no easy feat. Because we have a mind, we have to make choices. Some choices are not always easy to make. This is especially true when we...

Self Pep Talk

Truth be told, I talk to myself. A lot. Have you had those days when you're feeling tested and just want to run for cover? It's with these times, I...

Self Pep Talk

Truth be told, I talk to myself. A lot. Have you had those days when you're feeling tested and just want to run for cover? It's with these times, I...